

Monday, November 8, 2010


I believe that the Simpson's episode on prohibition was very entertaining.  The accuracies did out weigh the comical exaggerations. Many aspects of the show definitely happened in the 1920's; such as Mob interactions, and a lack of law enforcement.  Many people did smuggle in alcohol or make their own like Homer did. In the 1920's drinking was also the cause of fights and public intoxication; just like drinking was the cause of a large parade riot in the T.V. show.  Rex Banner represented the F.B.I. which was started around the 1920's, and his speech was common for that time.  There were also many untrue things like the punishment for drinking and children getting completely wasted, but overall the episode portrayed prohibition well.  The fictional comedy made the episode enjoyable, but the truth made it interesting.

Instead of the entire parade in the beginning breaking into a riot; one smaller drunken mess in the street may have been more accurate.  Also Bart would have had to been drinking a lot more than just the sip he got for him to be stumbling around like a crazy person. 
One other scene that could have been more accurate was that instead of the Mob using giant trucks to carry in alcohol maybe smaller cars or and underground route that is not so noticeable.